Displaying items by tag: recycling used oil

If you're an auto repair shop owner, you may be missing out on amazing benefits if you don't currently utilize a used oil heater at your business. Did you know that instead of finding costly or inconvenient waste oil disposal you could be converting your used oil into free heat? It’s true!

Published in Waste Oil

If you’re in an industry that generates a lot of oil, you’re familiar with the environmental compliance requirements that you must adhere to. There is quite a bit of liability associated with generating oil and your responsibility as a business to dispose of it. In order to adhere to restrictions and regulations, you have to have an in depth understanding of what kind of oil you’re dealing with. Knowing the difference between used oil and waste oil is essential to not only avoiding legal ramifications but also environmental harm due to improper disposal. As a leading distributor of used and waste oil heating systems, we want to take a deep dive into the difference between a used oil burner and a waste oil burner.

Published in Waste Oil