Displaying items by tag: used oil boiler
Why Colorado Auto Repair Shop Owners Need a Used Oil Heater
If you're an auto repair shop owner, you may be missing out on amazing benefits if you don't currently utilize a used oil heater at your business. Did you know that instead of finding costly or inconvenient waste oil disposal you could be converting your used oil into free heat? It’s true!
4 Benefits of Waste Oil Boilers for Your Business
Heating your business can be costly. But if you generate a steady supply of used oil, it doesn’t have to be. With a waste oil boiler, you can heat your business with your used oil for a fraction of the costs. At Interstate Energy, we’re here to breakdown the benefits of using waste oil boilers in Colorado and eastern Wyoming.
Your In-Depth Clean Burn Waste Oil Boiler FAQ Guide
If your business generates waste oil, then you’re already familiar with the problems that it can create. The cradle-to-grave liability places great pressure on you to deal with your waste oil in an eco-friendly manner. A Clean Burn waste oil boiler offers the perfect solution to this common problem! This innovative piece of technology reduces your liability and it helps you maximize your resource investments. Even with the numerous benefits of a waste oil water heater, business owners can tend to be apprehensive about the idea. To clear the air, our Clean Burn experts decided to answer the most frequently asked questions about waste oil water heaters.
3 Benefits Of Using A Waste Oil Water Heater
If your business model requires the heating of water, you know better than most what a tedious, energy-consuming process heating can be. A lot of time, money, and energy goes into heating the goods for your business. What if we told you there was a more efficient, more cost effective way of heating your water? Hard to believe, we know, but it’s true! With specialized equipment designed specifically to recycle waste oil, you can heat water for your business needs at a much lower cost. Let’s discuss some of the other benefits of using a waste oil water heater.
4 Reasons For A Car Wash To Consider A Used Oil Boiler
The efficiency of your car wash can make or break your bottom line. This is important in every business, but especially in a business where inefficient machinery can lead to exponential overhead costs. Clean Burn recognized the need for a more economical way to heat water and developed a boiler system that leverages the used oil that would normally add to the overhead cost of a car wash operation. Our used oil boiler systems are among the most flexible options on the market, making them ideal for any size car wash. Let’s discuss the benefits of heating your water through used oil and find out if our used oil boilers are right for your operation.