Understanding The Role Of Agriculture In Colorado
Colorado is often recognized for its mountains, which are perfect for skiing and hiking. What people often don’t realize, though, is the role of farming and other related industries in Colorado in the overall economy. In 2017, Colorado represented nearly 2% of national Cash Receipts for commodities, totaling more than $6.5 billion. The host county for the Colorado Farm Show, Weld County, sold nearly $2 billion in agriculture products, ranking it first in Colorado and 9th in the entire country.
These statistics led to the theme of this year’s farm show: “If you can eat it, drink it, or wear it, agriculture produced it.” More than 300 exhibitors will turn out for this three-day event filled with educational breakout sessions on everything from beef and equine to weather and climate.
How The Colorado Farm Show Supports The Community
In a digital-centric world, it is essential to support the youth that is interested in pursuing agriculture. As this year’s theme notes, just about everything we need to survive requires agriculture. The Colorado Farm Show supports scholarships for individuals interested in a degree in agriculture and related fields of study. This year, more than $27,000 in college scholarships will be awarded.
The History Of CFS
The Colorado Farm Show originated in 1964 as the result of the demise of the Farmers Institute in 1958. The Farmers Institute was a key player in the farm programs and certain changes were required in order to successfully rebuild the program. The Colorado Farm Show only took three years to become the institution it is today, growing from a small show with about 30 exhibitors to hosting more than 300 exhibitors and attracting more than 30,000 visitors every year.
The Farm Show is managed by a board of directors and nearly 100 volunteers who donate almost 10,000 hours to ensure the event runs smoothly and successfully. The show grows every year with a consistent waiting list for exhibitors to participate. Weld County continues to find ways to accommodate more and more people who support excellence in agriculture.
Find Interstate Energy At The Colorado Farm Show
Interstate Energy is proud to join other exhibitors at the Colorado Farm Show to support agricultural excellence. We will be there to showcase our Clean Burn waste oil heating systems, which can offer exemplary benefits to the industry. Recycling waste oil can save money and reduce liability for business owners and operations managers. We’ll be featuring promotions, especially for Colorado Farm Show attendees. Stop by our booth EC 579 to learn more about the Clean Burn Advantage.
The Colorado Farm Show will be held at 421 N 15th Ave in Greeley, Colorado from January 29-31st, 2019. Learn more about the CFS exhibitors and previous scholarship winners of the Colorado Farm Show.